Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Way of Jay Today

Jay is a very happy boy. He can do many exciting things these days:

**Say "hello" while holding a Blackberry to his ear (albeit upside down)

**Take pieces from a toy from one room to the toy in another room

**Move puppet's arms on his own

**Wave & say bye bye

**Blow kisses

**Walk halfway up the slide (see video)

**Say "ball", "dog" & several other words

**Recognize family friends

**Clear a table of toys (not necessarily a desired trait, but we'll take it)

**Crawl backwards

**Ride V for about 5 seconds

**Update his own Facebook page (just kidding)

1 comment:

Stampin_melissa said...

I love the upside-down book! I remember those days. :D I was just looking at some pictures of Troy holding Jay. Boy has Jay done some growing up! Hugs!